Topic outline

  • CPCCWHS2001 - Apply WHS Requirements, Policies and Procedures in the Construction Industry (Release 1)



    This unit specifies the outcomes required to carry out work health and safety (WHS) requirements through safe work practices in all on- or off-site construction workplaces.

    It requires the performance of work in a safe manner through awareness of risks and work requirements, and the planning and performance of safe work practices with concern for personal safety and the safety of others.

    The unit covers fundamental WHS requirements necessary to undertake work tasks within any sector in the construction industry. It includes the identification of hazardous materials, including asbestos, and compliance with legislated work safety practices. It does not cover removal of asbestos, which is a licensed activity.

    It applies to workers in the construction industry.

    This unit also relates directly to the general construction induction training requirements of the Model Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011 and relevant occupational health and safety regulations for Victoria and for Western Australia. Achievement of CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry covers these induction training requirements.

  • Course Overview

    Steps To Complete This Unit:

    This unit is broken down into the following sections: 

      • Five (5) Chapters that contain your Learning Resources and activities
      • Knowledge Assessment - Short Answer Questions
      • Assessment Workbook

    • Step 1: Start at Chapter 1, read each Topic and complete all associated learning activities and Quiz Tasks, if there are any.
    • Step 2: Once you are confident that you have acquired and retained the knowledge and skills learned from each Topic, complete the assessment tasks at the end of this unit.

    • File icon

      This Learner Guide contains the information and learning activities covered in each Chapter of this unit. You do not need to read this guide if you are going to complete the learning resource in each chapter for this unit below. Some learners like to download this resource to use as study material offline to assist in a better understanding and retention of the course materials.

  • Chapter 1 -Identify and Assess Risks

    Chapter 1


    Complete the activities below to complete this chapter

  • Chapter 2- Identify Hazardous Materials and Other Hazards on Work Sites

    Chapter 1


    Complete the activities below to complete this chapter

  • Chapter 3 - Plan and Prepare for Safe Work Practices

    Chapter 1


    Complete the activities below to complete this chapter

  • Chapter 4 - Apply Safe Work Practices

    Chapter 1


    Complete the activities below to complete this chapter

  • Chapter 5 - Follow Emergency Procedures

    Chapter 1


    Complete the activities below to complete this chapter

  • CPCCWHS2001 Assessment Workbook

    • Assessment Form icon
      CPCCWHS2001 Knowledge Assessment Part I and II Assessment Form
    • Assessment Form icon
      CPCCWHS2001 Knowledge Assessment Part III and IV Assessment Form
    • Assessment Form icon
      CPCCWHS2001 Workplace Assessment Part I Assessment Form
    • Assessment Form icon
      CPCCWHS2001 Workplace Assessment Part II Assessment Form
    • Assessment Form icon
      CPCCWHS2001 Workplace Assessment Part III Assessment Form
    • Assessment Form icon
      CPCCWHS2001 Workplace Assessment Part IV Assessment Form